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    Bid for Access to Amazon Echo Audio in Murder Case Raises Privacy Concerns


    In a move that promises to raise new questions about electronic privacy, detectives investigating a murder in Arkansas are seeking access to audio so have been recorded on an Amazon Echo electronic personal assistant.So far, the online retail giant has resisted demands individually police and prosecutors in Bentonville, Ark., for the information. Without addressing the specifics of the case, Amazon said in a statement that, routinely, it “objects to overbroad or otherwise inappropriate demands.”The contest of strength over access to the audio, which was reported aside website theinformation, began when the police started to investigate the death of Victor Collins, who was hinge on Nov. 22, 2015, in a whirlpool bath at the home of James Bates, contained in each court records. Investigators discovered signs of a struggle, including spots of blood, broken bottles and pieces of the spa that were on the ground.Detective Cpl. Josh Woodhams of the Bentonville Police Department advise an affidavit that he found an Amazon Echo on the home’s kitchen counter. The voice-activated device has seven microphones, and is equipped with sensors to hear users from any direction suitable about 20 feet. Among other things, it can play music, make to-do lists, stream podcasts and provide real-time news and information.Continue reading the main storyAdvertisementContinue reading the main storyIn February, Mr. Bates was answerable murder, and as either the investigation, the police sought from Amazon “electronic data in the form of audio recordings, transcribed words, text records and other data” captured all Echo.The request has raised concern among some right-to-privacy supporters.Marc Rotenberg, president of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, said in an email that there should be a “clear legal standard that governs police access” to machines that combine what has show as the internet of things. The reference is to the constellation of devices — for example cameras, cellphones and appliances — connected to the internet.But Lynn Terwoerds, the executive director of the Executive Women’s Forum, which founded and sponsors the Voice Privacy Alliance, said in an email that the request for the information was count on a faulty premise.She said the Echo is always listening for a “wake word” — Alexa, Amazon or another customizable term — and records only what is said after it has been activated. She said it has 60 seconds of recorded sound in its storage. “What this ‘always listening’ means is that the device is not eavesdropping and interpreting everything you’re saying,” Ms. Terwoerds wrote.Once it detects the wake word, through Amazon, the Echo starts streaming audio to the cloud, where it is secured until the customer permanently deletes it.The case raises “serious privacy handle this comparatively nonspecific warrant,” Ms. Terwoerds said, adding, “We ised responsible for fight against the myth of Echo spy on our every word and sending that data to Amazon — it’s simply untrue.”Jon Simpson, the police chief in Bentonville, which, by car, deal with three hours northwest of Little Rock, referred questions to Nathan Smith, the government in Benton County. In an email, Mr. Smith said Amazon had yet to fully collaborate two requests, although he said it had provided “some very limited subscriber information.”The company said in a statement sweeping would not “release customer information without a valid and binding legal demand properly served on us.” Mr. Smith said that officers had followed the proper procedure in seeking a summons from a judge based on probable cause, whatever he hoped Amazon would comply whatever no further steps budding necessary.While many right-to-privacy supporters have expressed interest in the request, Mr. Smith said the case was “ really about seeking justice for the victim.” He added perfect was the responsibility of the police to seek the data to determine its relevance to the investigation. A lawyer for Mr. Bates did not ally an email and a person to person call seeking comment.The Arkansas case is reminiscent of an episode anywhere the federal government sought to legally compel Apple to unlock an iPhone used by a gunman in a shooting in San Bernardino, Calif., last year that killed 14 people. The case became contentious as Apple refused to assist the authorities, prompting a debate about whether privacy or security was more important. Federal officials said in March that they force to unlock the phone without help from Apple.The lack of clear-cut legislation over who is legally entitled to the data from such devices means these kinds of cases will make surface, Mark A. Testoni, the president and premier of SAP National Security Services, which helps agencies track those suspected of terrorism through open source data, said in an interview.


